Located in the back of the Kingsley-Jenter House main hall, the MAHS Gift Shop is open on Sundays from 1-4 pm March thru December and in conjunction with other events during the warmer weather months. It is open for Christmas in the Village and the Manchester Chicken Broil as well. Some sample items are below…be sure to come check it out!

Christmas Ornaments

Handwoven Items

Honey Dippers

Woodworking Items

Manchester 125th Anniversary Plate

Goat Milk Lotions & More

Manchester Centennial Pin

Candle Holder

Manchester Enterprise Reproduction

Manchester Sesquicentennial Pin

Sesquicentennial Tote Bag

Sesquicentennial T-Shirt

Manchester Artistic Street Map

Manchester Area Historical Society Calendars

Manchester 1870 DeVolson Wood Map

Manchester 1872 Birds Eye View

Don Limpert If Book

Manchester Chicken Broils

Historical Walking Tour Book

Manchester Sesquicentennial Book

Angel Ornament

Oblong Potholder

Blacksmith Shop Crafted Bell and Ringer

Antique Bowls

Paintings & Other Crafts

Western Washtenaw Bicentennial Book

Clothespin Dolls

Freedom Township History Book

Loom Woven Tote Bags

Lavender and Pine Sachets

Handmade Wooden Signs

Button Bracelets

Chicken Catcher

Chicken Catcher

Blacksmith Shop Items

Antique Glassware

Manchester Post Cards